Favorite Photo Friday

Taken:  Disney’s Hollywood Studios

When:  June 2009 (or was it 2010?)

Backstory:  I got up at the crack of dawn to get a ‘ticket’ to meet Lando.

Good news = After a super long wait, I got one!

Bad news = I had to wait around until about 3pm in the afternoon to meet him.

I’m greasy and tired, but it was all totally worth it. Look how studly he is!


DIY – old t-shirt + fabric flower = not so boring old t-shirt

I went thru a purple t-shirt phase about 5 years ago. Now the t-shirts are mildly stretched out at the neck and ‘pill-y’.

Being bored last Sunday gave me the motivation to up-cycle some of my old junk.

Step 1: Find random scraps of fabric.

Step 2: Make a fabric flower (see directions here!)

Step 3: Attach!

Is it the greatest thing of all time? Not even close. But it’s more exciting than a lame old t-shirt. Maybe I’ll feel like wearing it once in a while now …

Wedding Wednesday – traditions (part 3)

And the final blog post about wedding traditions and how I pretty much agree with what Cosmo has to say.

6. The not-seeing-each-other-beforehand thing
Cosmo = Honestly, I love this tradition of not seeing my groom until I’m walking down the aisle. It’s kinda romantic, right? But I don’t like the idea of following a superstition that, if we happen to catch a glance of each other, bad luck will befall our marriage. Plus, I’m going to be nervous as sh*t pre-ceremony and I want to be able to hug my fiancé and hear him tell me how pretty I look before we swap vows.
Me = Sorry Cosmo. I don’t agree at all! I LOVE the idea of seeing Chris before the ceremony. We’re planning to take all our photos before hand, so we can actually be at the $10,000 party that we’re planning!

7. The cake smashing
Cosmo = It’s become custom for couples to get into a mini food fight after cutting their ungodly expensive wedding cake. I get it. It’s funny to see people in fancy clothing with food on their faces. Maybe I’m a bit uptight, but I’d prefer not to have chocolate ganache smeared up my nose (or on my dress) on my wedding day. Considering that most couples don’t get a chance to eat at their receptions, I’d much rather put that cake where it belongs—in my belly. And then get myself back out on that dance floor.
Me = It’s not cute when people smash cake into each other’s faces with force. But when a little frosting is blobbed on a nose, that’s kind-of cute.

However, I guess I really don’t want my make up to get all messed up. Lord knows I’ll have it caked on (no pun intended!).

What’s on my desk?

My desk is a small L. Not much room for junk. But give me a few months and I’ll junk it up.

A picture of me and my fiance.  Awwwwwwwe.  Oh, and a few Simpsons figures from when Burger King gave them away in their kids meals.








Lunch box and purse corner!








3 random clown vinylmations.  For some reason, I keep trading for clowns, so now I’m just rolling with it.  And the most important thing of all – chap stick!


I’m almost done with “skirt a day in May” for the 2nd year in a row.

It’s just what it sounds like. You wear a skirt, every day, in the month of May!

(except for weekends, I just do it for work)

This might not sounds like a big deal, just put on a darn skirt and quit your bellyaching!

But, you know what, it is kind-of a big deal. I mean, how often do we set our mind to a goal and actually accomplish it?

It’s so darn easy to give up and say, “F-this! I’m wearing jeans today!”

So while I didn’t cure any illnesses or lose 25 lbs, I actually accomplished something that I set out to do.

#go me!

The day I puked a rainbow.

If anybody every asks me, “what your most embarrassing moment” … I don’t have a quality answer. This story isn’t really embarrassing. I’m oddly proud of it.

The story begins in the summer of 2009. I’m in Disneyland. I buy a container of rainbow popcorn, which is a souvenir based on the brand new “World of Color” light show at Disney’s California Adventure.DSCN3652

It’s quite hot outside, but I pig out on popcorn none the less.

Around noon I start to feel a little dizzy. I get motion sickness all the time, so I’m used to this feeling. The odd part is, I hadn’t gone on any roller coasters or spinning rides that morning.

By 1pm I can barely function. I go into the museum-like attraction near the front of the park to lie down on an inside bench (air conditioning!)

10 minutes later a familiar feeling waves over me. I’m about to puke. I’m near the front of the park, so I assume a bathroom must be near by.

I sprint outside and frantically look around for a bathroom. I see one down an allyway!

I get off of Main Street (thankfully), but I don’t quite make it into the bathroom. I hurl ALL OVER THE GROUND …

… and it was GORGEOUS! All that rainbow popcorn came right back up. It looked like a pile of colorful diamonds on the ground (mixed in with my saliva).

As I straddled my vomit (so nobody would accidentally step on it) I thought, “should I take a photo of this? I mean, this is a sight to behold!”

I guess you should be thankful that I DIDN’T take a photo of it. Just take my word for it that colored popcorn + a hot Disney day = a pile of amazing puke.

Color Run … again?!?


The Color Run is coming back to Orlando!

Already …

Too soon?!?

I mean, I just did the Color Run in January.

I’ll probably do it again. This time I know how awesome it is. It would be amazing if I could get a huge gang of friends to do it with me.

Registration begins on 6/1!

Wedding Wednesday – traditions (part 2)

More wedding traditions to agree or disagree with! It’s Cosmo magazine vs. me. Let’s see who wins.

4. The white dress
Cosmo = Full disclosure: I bought a white dress for my wedding. But I can’t say I wasn’t tempted by the blush, pink, and red frothy creations that have been floating down runways and taking up valuable real estate in bridal salons. While I chose to wear white—mainly because it fits my personal vision of how I’d like to look as a bride—I don’t like the kinda sexist, virgin-y undertones of the tradition.
Me = I bought a white dress simply because I don’t really like being the center of attention. If I bought some wacky dress, that would REALLY stand out.

Although, I am bucking tradition by wearing a non-wedding dress. I just bought a boring white dress from a non-wedding store.

5. The father give-away
Cosmo = This is another thing I’m probably going to do, even though I’m not totally down with the origin of the tradition—as in, the suggestion that a woman is an object given to her husband from her dear old dad. Still, I don’t want to walk down the aisle alone (I’ll trip and fall on my face, knowing my lack of composure in these types of high-pressure situations), my mom has politely declined the job for fear of the same aforementioned clumsiness, and I have two amazing fathers—my dad-dad and my step-dad—who would happily escort me. And, more importantly, keep me upright.
Me = I will be having my dad walk me down the isle AS WELL AS my mom. Why should dad get all the fun.

What I won’t be doing is the “who gives this woman away?” nonsense. I’m really not looking for anybody’s permission to ‘give me away’.


So, I only own 4 pairs of shorts that fit me. And I live in Florida (hence the name of my blog), so I wear shorts every day.

I got cleaning solution on my black pair last week!

I mean, it’s not that bad, but it’s obvious to me.

A – I don’t want to buy new shorts
B – I’m on a clothes shopping strike

Bring on the sharpie!

I can still tell where the bleach stains are, but it’s about 75% less obvious.

Can you spot the stains?

Wedding Wednesday – traditions (part 1)

I found this article in Cosmo magazine about silly wedding traditions.

I know my feelings on all of them … but what do you think?

1. The bouquet toss
Cosmo = I used to think the bouquet was the most exciting part of a wedding. When I was 12. As I got older, and the crowd of women around me hungering for the bride’s flowers thinned out to a handful of tweens and me, I realized how awful this tradition really is. Plus, I’m selfish and want to keep my bouquet to myself, m’kay?
Me = I totally agree! I really hate standing up there with other women pretending to care. I really, really wasn’t going to do it at all.

Then I thought, “well, doing one MIGHT be fun? I mean, somebody might enjoy it, right? And it will break up the party a tad.

IDK … the verdict is still out there.

2. The garter retrieval
Cosmo = There’s nothing less sexy than your guy burrowing his head under your wedding dress while your dad—and his—watch. Not to mention your mother, your mother-in-law, your friends…need I go on? My groom can put his head between my legs all he wants on our honeymoon, but not in front of our nearest and dearest.
Me = Yes, yes, yes. When I mean is, “right on Cosmo! Plus my dress is slim fitting and only down to my knees. Therefore there’s no big poofy mess for Chris to climb into to retrieve a garter.

If nothing else, I might put a garter on a mini nerf football and have Chris toss it. I mean, if we do the bouquet toss, the garter toss kind-of goest hand in hand right?

3. Bridesmaids
Cosmo = Why, in 2013, are we still down with the idea of forcing our friends to buy ugly coordinated dresses and stand up in uncomfortable high heels next to us while we get married? There is literally no reason to do this, now or ever. Sure, I suppose some people like the cuteness of taking pictures with their friends in matching outfits, but I did enough of that at the mall’s glamour shot booth in middle school. Not trying to hate on gals who dream of a big bridal party, but I honestly don’t see the point.
Me = Yahoo! Somebody who thinks wedding parties are pointless! Even though they are pointless, they are still fun. And I’m always super glad to be part of a wedding party. I’m still totally having one, but I’m breaking the tradition of everybody wearing the same thing.